Auxilium Snehalaya - Guwahati

Auxilium Snehalaya

Auxilium Snehalaya, Noonmati

Auxilium Snehalaya is located in Bishnu Rabha Nagar, Noonmati just near the gate of Guwahati Refinery. Established on January 31, 2003, this home is meant for girl children between 6-12 years of age.
It has a capacity for 25 girls. 
All the inmates attend the government school nearby in Noonmati.
They have access to computer classes, library, tutorials, games, dance etc. in the home. Besides that the children are counselled on a regular basis by a professional counselor, Quality Education project was introduced in this home in Sep, 2020 which aims at raising the quality of education. After this project was implemented, the children learning capacity has increased and they have shown good interest in studies besides performing well in their school exams. During the pandemic, online classes were held.
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